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No, the Internet is Not Your Best Source of Legal Advice

  • By Eldonie Mason
  • 12 Dec, 2018

An increasing number of people are turning to the internet for all sorts of advice. Fashion advice. Medical advice. Marriage advice.

Here at Mason Firm, we certainly won’t dissuade you from getting fashion advice online, but we strongly recommend that you don’t turn to Google for legal advice. Because it could end up costing you a whole lot more than you expected. How can you be certain that the advice you got will be applicable to your specific situation. Matters usually turn on specific facts and not because it works for someone else means that it will work for you. 

From time to time, we are retained to clean up the mess after someone attempted to be a Google lawyer. It always end up costing them more than if they had retained us from the beginning. So, do yourself a favor don't turn to the internet for legal advice.
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